10 Linux Commands for beginners!! What is Linux??
Linux Operating System:-
Linux is a free and open-source operating system built around the Linux kernel. Basically there are package of Linux distribution available in Linux operating system such as Debian, Red-Hat, Kali Linux etc. The Linux kernel released on September 17, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux uses the GNU to refer to the operating system. It belongs from UNIX like OS family.
---Where it is used??
Though Linux was a rarely used OS but nowadays it is used worldwide by millions of users. It is basically used in private companies, training institutes, universities research centers etc. Because of command-based user interface, the linux is hard to use compares to the other operating systems such as Windows, Mac etc. But recently, people are more concern about Linux operating system.
---Is linux virus free??
Linux is not designed for every software and hardware configuration. Because it is more complex than other operating system people find comfort in operating systems like Windows. So, being linux is rarely used viruses are not made for Linux operating system from day to day process. Telling that Linux is fully virus free will be incorrect but yes there are rare scope of viruses in Linux OS.
---10 useful Linux commands for beginners:-
There are bulk of commands used in a Linux Operating System. Some of them are complex as well as easy to remember. Because Linux is a command-based OS, everything that is to instructed to the system has to be in the way of command. We have to type the commands in Terminal which is a base for commands. Let’s see some useful commands for beginners:-
1.)) pwd – This is basically used to know the directory where user is in. Whenever we firstly open the Linux OS, the active directory is ROOT. With this command, the active directory can be noticed.
2.)) cd – This command is used to go a particular directory.
3.)) mkdir & rmdir – Those commands are used to make directory and to remove or delete a directory.
4.)) rm – used to delete a file. Sometimes this rm cannot delete directory containing files. So, in order to delete full directory rm -r can be used.
5.)) touch – This is used to create a new file following the file name.
6.)) cp – It is used to copy a file.
7.)) mv – It is used to move as well as rename a file.
8.)) locate – This command is used to locate a file in entire system. It works like a search bar.
9.)) ls – This command is used to get list of the consisting files in a particular directory. There can be also hidden files in directory so to also see the hidden file use command ls -a.
10.)) man – Used to know about a command in Linux.
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